Zoya Lytvyn became the first founder of the fellowship at the Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation in Ukraine
This fellowship is an investment in the growth not only of faculty members but also of dozens of students. It will support the best professors at the Academy and motivate others to grow too. At the founder’s request, this fellowship will support young professors, who just began their path.
Zoya Lytvyn is a KMA graduate, a Ukrainian public figure and entrepreneur, chair of the «Osvitoriya» public association, founder of the Novopecherska School, and the Global Teacher Prize in Ukraine for innovative teachers.
We express our sincere gratitude to Zoya for her contribution to the development of the educational community in Ukraine and the support of our KMA talents!
If you also want to contribute to the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, you can make a one-time donation, or establish a named scholarship or fellowship. Please, follow the link to learn more: https://charity.ukma.edu.ua/
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Дякуємо за підтримку НаУКМА протягом цього року!
This Winter You can Make a Gift to KMA 🫂
Оголошено конкурс на стипендію для викладачів НаУКМА!
The recipients of the Yevhen Kvaskov Memorial Grant have been announced
The Result of the fundraising help on the Day of the KMA IT Department 🙌
The Memorial Scholarship in honour of Hlib Ivanov was awarded ti its recipient
Congratulations to the Scholarship Recipients!
Cisco has provided network equipment to Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Меморіальна стипендія памʼяті Гліба Іванова: відбір
Києво-Могилянська Фундація вдруге оголошує конкурс на стипендію імені Родини Бойчуків