The Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation announces a call for proposals for a grant from the Scholarship Fund in Memory of Mohyla Students Fallen in the Russian-Ukrainian War.
The scholarship fund in memory of Mohyla residents who died in the Russian-Ukrainian war, founded last year, supports active and conscious Ukrainians. Today we are announcing the first competition for a grant for a student project. It is aimed at supporting initiatives that preserve historical memory, strengthen the unity of society, and contribute to the development of Ukraine and the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
Дякуємо за підтримку НаУКМА протягом цього року!
2024 рік добігає кінця і ми хочемо подякувати тим, хто підтримував Києво-Могилянську академію та її спільноту протягом цього року.
This Winter You can Make a Gift to KMA 🫂
Ми переконані, що перший пріоритет — підтримка Сил Оборони України, — наше «сьогодні». Водночас, підтримка розвитку освіти й могилянських спудеїв — наше майбутнє «завтра».
The Result of the fundraising help on the Day of the KMA IT Department 🙌
Today, we gladly share a photo report of the mobile repair workshop, funded by the accumulated donations.
Congratulations to the Scholarship Recipients!
The new academic year has begun not only with lectures and events featuring prominent figures but also with new scholarships for Kyiv-Mohyla Academy’s students.
Scholarships are the simplest form of support for Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and its community.
Learn moreFellowships
Fellowships are an investment in the growth of the proactive community of students and alumni.
Learn moreMaterials See all
Kyiv Mohyla Foundation announces the winners of the Teaching Fellowships 2024!
Оголошено конкурс на стипендію для викладачів НаУКМА!
The recipients of the Yevhen Kvaskov Memorial Grant have been announced
The Memorial Scholarship in honour of Hlib Ivanov was awarded ti its recipient
Меморіальна стипендія памʼяті Гліба Іванова: відбір
Києво-Могилянська Фундація оголошує конкурс на ґрант для студентських проєктів імені Євгена Кваскова
The Unissued Diplomas initiative has contributed 87,846 UAH (2 150 $) to the Scholarship Fund in Memory of Kyiv-Mohyla Community Members who Lost Their Lives in the Russo-Ukrainian War
Родина Perepechay-Tochon заснувала стипендію для студентів НаУКМА
Ставайте частиною спільноти патронів Могилянки!
Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation held a series of inspiring meetings with KMA alumni and students.
Our mission in Ukraine
Kyiv-Mohyla Foundation of Ukraine is a nonprofit charitable organization with the primary goal of supporting the development of the Kyiv-Mohyla Academy and its community by engaging business enterprises, alumni private donors and public fundraising campaigns, and Ukrainian and international partners.
Together with the university, the Foundation has set its three main strategic goals:
1. Encourage, engage, and retain the best students and faculty members;
2. Begin the process of campus development following the vision of the KMA community;
3. Shaping an ecosystem of support for KMA: cooperation with Foundations in the USA and Canada, as well as with other institutions.
The Foundation was established by members of the Supervisory Board, graduates, staff, and the Alumni Association of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
Our vision is to provide a high-quality and competitive edge within the global academic community education at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.